Book Clubs
Fremont Public Library offers a special service for patrons who host their own Book Clubs.
This service offers:
- Free books for up to 15 club members to check out with their cards (we honor cards from every library in Illinois).
- Special due dates that coincide with your club’s meeting date.
- Ability to obtain large print and/or audiobook titles for your members.
- Discussion guides and recommendations for additional titles for your club.
Want to sign up?
- Pick a name for your book club. Book club titles are held at the Reader's Services desk under the book club's name so please make sure to share the name with all the members of your club.
- Choose a facilitator for your club. This person needs to have a Fremont Library Card.
- The facilitator can fill out the bookclub form online to register their club and/or select their titles for each meeting.
- Once the book club is established the facilitators will also be able to email our Book Club coordinator directly for recommendations or to request titles.
Book Club Guidelines
- Titles requested must be available in our library system.
- Titles must be requested a minimum of 2 weeks before the desired pick-up date.
- Depending on demand, we may need to switch around titles or get them at a later date when the demand is lower, even after your lists have been submitted and approved.
- The book club facilitator needs to have a Fremont Library Card in good standing. If the book club facilitator leaves, the new facilitator must also have a Fremont Library card to continue the service.
- The book club service is a labor-intensive program. As such, the library reserves the right to deny or stop service to a book club and/or facilitator if necessary.
- Book clubs have the freedom to choose any title they wish to discuss. However, if the chosen title is new, a bestseller, or has multiple holds, book club members may have to obtain copies on their own for that particular book discussion.
The library owns multiple copies of titles that are popular selections for book group discussions. We also offer discussion guides for each of the titles in our Book Club Collection and can also help with book discussion guides for other titles, too!