You must have a library card in order to check out materials. A valid Illinois driver’s license or State ID may also be registered with the library, or use the Library App to display your library card barcode from your phone.
We also have a self-checkout system that uses an iPad at the Checkout desk or your own mobile device. Download the MeeScan app and use it the next time you are in the library to bypass the Checkout Desk!
There are no late fees at Fremont Public Library.
Item Type | Loan Period | Limit | Renewable? | Place Holds? |
Books & all items not listed below | 3 weeks | 75 total items | Yes | Yes |
AV Equipment (Nintendo Switch, Camera, Roku) | 1 week | 1 | Yes | Fremont only |
Blu-rays & DVDs: New or High Demand | 1 week | 10 | Yes | Fremont only |
Blu-rays & DVDs: New TV Series | 3 weeks | 10 | Yes | Fremont only |
Book Club Collection | 3 weeks | n/a | Yes | Fremont only |
Computer Equipment (Slide converter, CD drive) | 3 weeks | 1 | Yes | Fremont only |
Hands-on Kits & Board Games | 3 weeks | 5 | Yes | Fremont only |
Launchpads | 3 weeks | 2 | No | Fremont only |
Mobile Hotspots | 3 weeks | 1 | No | Fremont only |
New Books | 3 weeks | n/a | Yes | Fremont only |
Puzzles | 3 weeks | n/a | Yes | No |
Steam Equipment (DVD Player, Binoculars, Telescope) | 3 weeks | 1 | Yes | Fremont only |
Video Games: New | 1 week | 2 | Yes | Fremont only |
Video Games | 3 weeks | 5 | Yes | Yes |
Click here for the full circulation policy.
Renewable items will automatically renew 3 days before they are due if no one else is waiting for the item.
Choose email notification to receive a notice with the new due dates and/or a list of those titles that could not be renewed.
Even if you do not have email notifications selected, your items will still be auto-renewed. Check your account for more information.
*Materials obtained via InterLibrary Loan may have late fees or other charges passed along by the lending library.
Fremont Library is part of the Computer Cooperative Services (CCS) Consortium, so we are able to seamlessly order in most materials from any of the libraries who share our catalog. Fremont cardholders may also order items from libraries outside the consortium by contacting the Adult Help Desk at 847-566-8702 or through the chat feature. For more details about InterLibrary Loan outside the consortium, click here.